Your marriage relationship requires care and attention. Your covenant relationship can be strengthened with love, learning, communication, and acceptance. Enrichment means to discover, release, and grow.
It is no misnomer to call this lab “Marriage Enrichment ” because the wisdom of the marrieds is shared in the midst of those who are engaged to guide through the pitfalls of marriage and to give the engaged couples foresight into the same entering a relationship. The dynamic mingling of the experiences of the seasoned married couples with the questions of the newlyweds and engaged couples sets the atmosphere for growth. Come and join the conversation every 3rd Friday at 7:30pm. You will improve your ability to:
* Listen
* Express feelings
* Give and receive positive feedback
* State your needs clearly
* Resolve conflicts
* Make commitments
Throughout the two and half hour sessions, you will learn God’s perspective on particular matters and you will be able to focus on the positive. Finally, you are usually given the opportunity to practice newly learned principles or strategies during the lab.
The labs offer refreshment and awakening for all, regardless of your faith background.