"We Are Divinely Called to Impact Our Generation With the Love of God!"
About Agapé
Agapé Christian Ministries’ purpose is to impact our generation with the unconditional love of God; to proclaim the Good News to every man, woman and child within our spheres of influence— particularly the poor and the vulnerable; and to make Christ followers of believers within our spheres of influence.
Agapé Christian Ministries envisions a world transformed by the unconditional love of God. We are definitely called to proclaim and to demonstrate the love that Christ endowed upon His disciples with the command to do the same throughout the world. This endowment is the foundation of the revelation that our church is built upon. The essence and heart of Agapé is to be an embassy of the unconditional love of God in the earth. We seek to be the “love place” where God will send people to have a rich encounter with Him. The Agapé Experience is purposed to be life-transforming and inspiring an eternal commitment to the God of grace and truth who we serve.
We believe that the Holy Bible is given by inspiration of God and is the authoritative Word of God.
We believe that God exists eternally and is a triune being (3 persons in 1), co-equal in power and purpose: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God; in His Deity, in His virgin birth; in His sinless life, in His supernatural work in miracles and healing, in His shed blood, which takes away the sins of the world, and in His resurrection from the dead. He is now seated in heaven at the right hand of God, the Father.
We believe in the salvation and sanctification of unbelievers through the renewal and regeneration of the Holy Spirit in the heart.
We believe in the Holy Spirit and His empowering the believer to live a holy life in this present world and to minister like Jesus did.
We believe in full-submergence water Baptism.
We believe in God’s financial strategy to support the local congregation and the individual prosperity of the believer through biblical tithing and offering.
We believe in the local congregation as the assembly of the righteous and as a forum to preach the Gospel to the world.
We believe that the Body of Christ worldwide is unified through the Spirit in the bond of peace.
We believe in the faithful and consistent attendance of our covenant partners at weekly worship services at Agapé.
Bishop L. A. Wilkerson
Bishop Lawrence A. Wilkerson has been ministering the gospel of Jesus Christ and a pastor for more than two decades. He is impassioned with training and developing Godly leaders. He is the Senior Pastor and founder of Agapé Christian Ministries. He is also the founder of the Agapé Family of Churches (AFC).
On November 21, 1993, Bishop L. A. Wilkerson opened the doors of Agapé Christian Ministries with 3 members. Bishop Wilkerson is now a pastor to pastors through AFC. Agapé is a multi-cultural non-denominational church in the Austin suburb of Round Rock, Texas. Many nations are represented at Agapé and together these nations of the world unite with the mission to impact this generation with the love of God. Bishop Wilkerson has a unique ability to express the “deep” principles of the Word of God in a way that translates into a “nuts and bolts” language that is easily applied to the daily lives of believers from every walk of life.
Bishop Wilkerson is a graduate of Long Island University at C.W. Post. He has self-published two books entitled: “What’s Agapé Got To Do With It?” and “The Making of A Leader.” He owns a barber shop named after the passion of his walk- Agapé Family Barber Shop. He is married to Elder Lisa Wilkerson and is the proud father of 3 children- Lauren, Lindsay and Lawrence, II.
Bishop’s mantra is “I will bless the Lord at all times!”
First Lady Elder Lisa Wilkerson
First Lady Lisa Wilkerson is known to many, affectionately, as “Elder Lisa”. She is devoted to the vision of Agapé and is a tremendous help-meet to her husband, Bishop L. A. Wilkerson.
Elder Lisa has a special call on her life to minister to and unite women in the body of Christ:
She encourages women to discover and fulfill their greatest potential in life and in God.
She inspires and challenges women to take responsibility to impact their generation and even generations to come.
She is an anointed, uncompromisingly obedient woman of God — an authentic and contemporary example of a “Proverbs 31 woman.”
She is multi-faceted in her ministry service as the Chief Operating Officer of Agapé; in addition to being a mother, businesswoman, teacher, and First Lady.
Elder Lisa’s finds tremendous joy and fulfillment in leading and teaching the women of Agapé; a responsibility that is important to her. The Women’s Fellowship is called Womanhood Wisdom and the ladies meet every 3rd Saturday at 10 a.m. Come and join Elder Lisa for a time of fun, some rich fellowship, and an opportunity to mature in God’s Word as she teaches women how to walk in virtuosity. Check the Events Calendar for upcoming fellowship dates.
Our Pastors
Pastor Ashton Cumberbatch (Executive Pastor)
Pastor Ronald Bell
Pastor Gregory Williams
Service Times
Sunday: 1st Service – 9:00 AM 2nd Service – 11:30 AM